Lorem Ipsum是什么?
Lorem Ipsum 是印刷和排版行业的简单虚拟文本。 自 1500 年代以来,Lorem Ipsum 一直是行业标准的虚拟文本,当时一位不知名的印刷商拿走了一堆字体并将其打乱以制作一本字体样本簿。 它不仅经历了五个世纪的考验,而且跨越了电子排版的时代,基本保持不变。 它在 20 世纪 60 年代随着包含 Lorem Ipsum 段落的 Letraset 表的发布而流行起来,最近又随着包含 Lorem Ipsum 版本的 Aldus PageMaker 等桌面出版软件而流行。
Two heads are better than one: the Law of Two Up in New South Wales
The game of two-up is a particularly Australian social event. It is an uncomplicated form of gambling, often accompanied by drinking. It is an old game with origins in the United Kingdom, where it was formerly known as ‘pitch & toss’. It was popularised over a century ago by the return of our mass volunteer […]
Breaking the chains: Queensland’s move toward decriminalising sex workers
In Queensland, the sex work industry is pointed on the edge of a ground-breaking transformation as the government contemplates the implementation of the Queensland Law Reform Commission’s recommendations. These proposed changes, which include decriminalising sex work, revising advertising regulations, and providing anti-discrimination protections, have the potential to significantly improve the lives of sex workers and […]
Criminal defence of visa holders, and the integrated representation of client matters
Criminal defence lawyers strive to achieve justice and fairness for their clients every day. Many clients have additional adverse outcomes likely to occur after a conviction. But, for some clients receiving convictions and sentences, their outcomes are often more than financial or occupational.For low-level recidivist Australian citizens, it can often unfortunately simply be a matter […]
Case Study – A Very ACase Study – A Very Average Unpredictable Day at Burwood Local Courtverage Unpredictable Day at Burwood Local Court
Our newest addition to our criminal defence team here in Sydney, Emily Wood-Ward, had a challenging start to her sentencing hearing at Burwood Local Court. The client was an older man charged with one count of intimidation with intent to cause fear of physical or mental harm pursuant to section 13 Crimes (Domestic and Personal […]
Be Careful Who You Work For
Buried in the Commonwealth Criminal Code is the lesser-known offence of “Dishonestly cause a risk of loss to a Commonwealth entity”. The maximum penalty on indictment is a massive 10 years’ imprisonment (Commonwealth Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) s 135.4(5)). Let’s recap what the offence involves here: a risk of loss. There’s no need to […]
Case Study: Successfully securing bail in a challenging and complex court matter
Recently, our Partner and Accredited Specialist, Paul Blake, appeared at Burwood Local Court for a bail application for our client in custody who was charged with seven serious offences, including assault occasioning actual bodily harm, supplying a prohibited drug above the indictable quantity, and dealing with suspected proceeds of crime of more than $1,000,000 in […]
Lawyer Robots: better, faster, and cheaper
The advancement and sophistication of technology has generated contentious debate about whether robots can displace the jobs of humans. The legal system has a long history of tradition and change often occurs at a slower pace in such institutions. To modernise our current legal system, there have been ongoing efforts to incorporate enhanced technologies such […]
Case Study – A Very Average Unpredictable Day at Burwood Local Court
Our newest addition to our criminal defence team here in Sydney, Emily Wood-Ward, had a challenging start to her sentencing hearing at Burwood Local Court. The client was an older man charged with one count of intimidation with intent to cause fear of physical or mental harm pursuant to section 13 Crimes (Domestic and Personal […]