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Money laundering

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Money laundering involves keeping money that you know comes from illegal activities or changing it into assets or property.

This offence is closely related to the "dealing with the proceeds of crime" offence in section 193C, but it is considered more serious.

Money laundering is covered by section 193B of the Crimes Act and comes in three forms, each with different seriousness and penalties:

1. If you knowingly handle money from illegal activities and use it to hide its illegal source, you could be sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.
2. If you knowingly deal with money from illegal activities but don't hide its source, you could be sentenced up to 15 years imprisonment.
3. If you deal with money from illegal activities and were careless about whether it was illegally obtained, you could be sentenced up to 10 years imprisonment.

Remember, these are the maximum penalties and are reserved for the worst cases.

If you're charged with money laundering, it's crucial to seek advice from our skilled criminal lawyers as soon as possible.

If you are facing charges of Money Laundering, reach out to KPT Defence Lawyers anytime at (02) 9267 5555. They'll explain your choices and the best steps to take to achieve the best outcome for your situation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the options below to learn the answers to frequently asked questions about Money laundering.

Money laundering involves concealing the origins of illegally obtained funds or property, typically by transferring them through a complex web of financial transactions to make them appear legitimate.

Penalties for money laundering can be severe and may include substantial fines and imprisonment. The severity often depends on factors like the amount of money involved and the extent of the laundering

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